A break from The Voice

Nuclear is something which will make for a better future for all of us

Dear ,

We have just a few spots left to hear Will Shackel and Campbell Newman talking about nuclear energy for Australia.

I know a lot of people on our lists are involved in The Voice campaign and are pretty busy, but why not take some time off just before the day to think about something else while you reinvigorate yourself for the campaign?

While Voice advocates have made claims, without any evidence, that The Voice will lead to benefits for indigenous Australians, that claim is dubious. However, the evidence that nuclear will make a difference to all of us is straightforward, and backed-up by plenty of evidence.

Reports in today's Financial Review suggest you should "get your candles" for this summer because renewables have destabilised the grid and energy experts are "terrified". We've been warning about this for years, which is one reason we've been strong advocates of nuclear.

To hear Will talk to Campbell, please click here, but be quick, the event is this Friday.

Date:  Friday October 13, 12:00 for 12:30 (ends 2:30)
Venue:  The Brisbane Club, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Cost:   $135 AIP members, $165 others, $100 students, $1350 tables of ten (all tickets include two course meal and drinks)
Booking: Please click here

BTW, we still have one premium seat left. There are only two, and they are each side of the guest speaker. Real value.



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