A member-only offer to hear William Happer

An offer from our friends at the IPA


Dear ,

This is an offer only for AIP members, and it comes from our friends at the IPA who have sponsored a tour of Australia by US climate realist William Happer.

Who is Will Happer? Well, as you can see from the extract from Wikipedia at the end of this letter he's a distinguished professor of physics, who is an expert in optics (which includes the interactions between light and radiation and gases), but he is not a climate scientist [my emphasis added]. Well, maybe he is something better than a climate scientist then - a real expert.

Professor Happer will be in Brisbane on the evening of September 20 5:30-7:30 pm in the Sofitel Hotel and we have been offered the discount price of $40 to attend his lecture (general entry is $75). All you need to get this great deal is to click here and use the code HAPPERAIP.

I've booked for myself already, so hope to see you there.

Extract from Wikipedia

William Happer (born July 27, 1939[1]) is an American physicist who has specialized in the study of atomic physics, optics and spectroscopy.[2] He is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett[3] Professor of Physics, emeritus, at Princeton University,[2] and a long-term member of the JASON advisory group,[1] where he pioneered the development of adaptive optics. From 1991 to 1993, Happer served as director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science as part of the George H.W. Bush administration. He was dismissed from the Department of Energy in 1993 by the Clinton Administration after disagreements on the ozone hole.[4]

Happer, who is not a climate scientist, rejects the scientific consensus on climate change. In 2018, Donald Trump appointed him to the National Security Council to counter evidence linking carbon dioxide emissions to global warming.[5][6] He resigned from the council in 2019.[7]


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