
Will you help get our message out?


Dear ,

We've decided to take our message directly to the people of Queensland, via an electronic billboard campaign in these last few weeks of the election 

Will you please help by adopting a billboard for part of the next few weeks? They mostly come in two sizes - $1,000 and $2,000 a week. So "adoption" costs a minimum of $143 for a day, but feel free to help one out for the whole two weeks.

We'll ensure that it is clothed in the right messages, like the one above, so when Queenslanders vote they will understand what is at stake.

You can donate by clicking here.

This campaign is based on the Queensland Budget up-date report that we commissioned from former treasury official Gene Tunny, author of the book about Queensland's finances: Beautiful One Day, Broke the Next.

We have other projects like the Budget up-date in the wings which are of a similar high quality. Please keep an eye out for them when they are launched, and tell your friends and colleagues about them. The AIP is an organisation that prides itself on doing good research, and being aggressive in its promotion.

If you are going to donate for a campaign purpose, such as the billboards, you should be aware that donations of $1,000 and more must be declared. This does not cover donations made for the general work of the institute, and we have systems in place to ensure that electoral expenditure, and other expenditure, are not confused.

You should also be aware that there are restrictions on what some people in the property industry can donate for electoral expenditure. If you are in this group, we have your corner, and took action against the Electoral Commission of Queensland to clarify what your rights are.

As a result we ensured the Queensland government cannot totally exclude you from your democratic rights, and there are a wide range of areas where you can still support us. So if you are a "prohibited donor" please contact me direct by email at

 I hope you can help out this time. Those billboards will look a lot better with our advertising on them. The donation link is here.


Graham Young
Executive Director

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