Builders and Innovators lecture with Richard Cottee

Hear about gas from the man who created the coal seam gas industry in Queensland

Dear ,

I may have to apologise to you, as it seems that somehow AIP members were inadvertently left off the distribution list for invites to this function.

I've corrected the problem, and hope you can forgive me and come to the function as well.

As CEO of Queensland Gas (QGC) Richard Cottee can lay claim to being the father of the unconventional gas industry in Queensland. As such, he probably saved the Queensland Treasury as well.

On Wednesday November 11 he will deliver the first lecture in an occasional series we are calling "The Builders and Innovators Lecture Series". The lecture is titled:

Life: it's a gas...all the rest is hot air

When: Wednesday November 11, 5:30 pm for 6:00 pm
Where: The Brisbane Club
241 Adelaide Street
Price: $60 non-members
$54 AIP members
$48 AIP student members
Details: Drinks and savouries will be served from 5:30 pm.
Lecture and questions 6:00 to 7:00
Drinks and savouries 7:00 to 7:30
Book: Click here

Please forward this on to friends and colleagues. If you are on Facebook you might want to like and share the event which you can find at

If we want a more innovative, robust, individualistic and forward looking society we need to celebrate those Australians who exemplify those virtues and make them fashionable again.

Look forward to seeing you on the 11th.


Graham Young
Executive Director
Australian Institute for Progress

Look forward to seeing you there.

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