COVID-19 and Federalism: the natural experiment

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Dear ,

Next Monday Gene Tunny will launch our monograph "COVID-19 and Australian Federalism".

It's an opportunity to see what worked and what didn't in Australia, but also to think about broader implications

While Australian is a federation of states, you can see the world as a federation of countries. Here too the "unitary" impulse runs deep.

At the moment the WHO is proposing a new pandemic treaty that will bind individual countries to follow WHO directives.

Given the incompetence, and I think corruption, of the WHO during the COVID pandemic, this is scarcely credible. A much better course would be to make Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell dictator for the duration. Unfortunately the second course is impossible, and the first looks inevitable.

That underlines the need to properly understand how strategic diversity, and subsidiarity (making decisions as close to those affected as possible) are the keys to a healthy, wealthy and happy populace. It also accentuates the need to get out there and argue that centralised, one-size-fits-all governance is inevitably a disaster.

If you can't come, but would like a copy of the monograph, it can be purchased for $10 by clicking here.

The launch will be in our offices, Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road, on Monday June 12 at 7:30 pm. Cost $25 general; $15 student with $5 discount for AIP members. Includes copy of the monograph. To book, click here.

Look forward to seeing you.


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