"Dignity and Prosperity: The Future of Liberal Australia" Where to now? Book launch

Business as usual, or a radical rediscovery of roots?


Dear ,

If you're already coming to this launch you don't need to read further, but please take the opportunity to pass this email on to some of your friends.

If you're not already coming here's why you should.

Opposition is always painful, but that pain is a good opportunity to sharpen the focus for the losing parties on what they did that they shouldn't have, and what they should have done that they didn't.

The pain also produces a need for some meditation on what the purpose of the quest for power is.

Winners eventually become too comfortable and assume that what they did last time will still work this time, and often lose sight of principle because they are so busy exercising power. Small mistakes jackpot into larger ones over time; compromises to get legislation end up framing beliefs, attitudes and actions.

Now is the time for the centre-to-right parties to think through the tactics and strategies, philosophies and polices, and reshape themselves for the next contest. Dignity and Prosperity is designed as the start of a conversation where you get exposure to the analysis of some notable Liberal Party thinkers, like David and Rod Kemp, John Howard and Tony Abbott, and the man who will launch the book, Nick Minchin.

This launch, just one year and one month after the last election, is the start of recuperation, recovery and rebuilding. It will help the framing of discussions not just for Liberal Party members, but those from other parties and movements.

Editor David Stevens has long experience both in politics and as a partner of a major international professional firm. Nick Minchin was a Senator for South Australia and one of the key Coalition strategists from the 80s through to 2011 when he resigned from the senate - he knows a lot about victory, and also defeat.

Be part of the discussion, and come to this launch. If you can't come, think of buying the book (click here).

The launch will be in Tattersall's Club, 215 Queen Street, on Friday June 23 at 12:00 for 12:30 pm. Cost $165 general; $135 member; $100 student. To book, click here.

Look forward to seeing you there.


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