In a continent seemingly owned by Labor, what is the way forward?
Dear ,
John Howard talks about a broad church, but it seems the Liberal Party is full of schismatics these days, rooting out their own heretics and burning them at the stake while they give their adversaries free reign (sic).
Whatever party you vote for, this is not a good thing.
AIP member David Stevens has spent the last 30 years leading major strategy and policy reform projects for public and private sector clients across the globe. He worked for Prime Minister Howard in the 1990s.
This book, which he edited, is the latest in his labours. It brings together a number of liberal thinkers and notables, including John Howard and Tony Abbott, to analyse the present and prophesy about the future.
The book will be launched in Queensland by another AIP member former senator Nick Minchin, who has also contributed to the book.
If you're interested in where we go from here, this is a function for you. Non-Labor politics has had a number of inflection points since federation, with Liberals and Free Traders, the Nationalists, the United Australia Party, and finally the Liberal Party gaining the majority of votes. The Liberal Party itself has had some low points, such as the period around 1983 when it was out of government in every state on the mainland.
Each time the mainstream non-Labor party has rebuilt itself. But not without a lot of thought and discussion. Be part of the discussion, and come to this launch.
The launch will be in Tattersall's Club, 215 Queen Street, on Friday June 23 at 12:00 for 12:30 pm. Cost $165 general; $135 member; $100 student. To book, click here.
Look forward to seeing you here.