Doctors against mandates - 15 doctors taking the Chief Health Officer to court

This case might go either way

Scales of Justice background - legal law concepts

Dear ,

Where politicians fear to tread, this group of doctors is hoping a Supreme Court justice or justices will be prepared to go as they take the Queensland government to court over vaccine mandates.

Come and hear their story Wednesday June 29 in our offices at Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road, Woolloongabba. To book, click here.

Drs David Johnson, Georgina Hale and Associate Professor Peter Parry will talk about why they and their fellow plaintiffs have refused vaccination and how this case is important to them, and to good health and medicine.

They argue that their human rights, including their right to determine what they put into their body; how they discuss, diagnose and treat illness in their patients; and their right to work; are being illegally abridged by the government.

Lawfare may be the only way that much of the misgovernment of the last 3 years can be reversed. Or it may be that the courts will side with the politicians and bureaucrats. This case will be a watershed whichever way it breaks, and of all the court challenges, it seems the most serious and likely to succeed.

Whatever your views on vaccines this is a not-to-be-missed event. The stakes are high, and these 15 medicos are better qualified than almost anyone else to explain what is at stake.

The function will start at 6:00 pm for 6:30 pm and run to 8:00 pm. As usual it will include drinks and finger food. Tickets are $25 for the general public and $20 for AIP members. We also have student and concession tickets. To book, please click here.



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