AIP gives evidence to parliamentary committee on Greens' decarbonisation legislation
Dear ,
This coming Monday at 10:45 am I will be giving evidence on behalf of the institute to the State Development and Regional Industries Committee of the state parliament on the Queensland Climate Transition Bill 2023.
I will be supported by electrical engineer Ben Beattie.
I've attached our submission to this email.
You can watch the hearings live on
Parliament TV or catch up from their archives later on.
This will probably be a little like Daniel in the lion's den as we are followed immediately by the Queensland Conservation Council, the Environmental Defenders Office, and The Next Economy.
The only other witnesses will be the LGAQ and the Central Highlands Regional Council. While these two bodies are opposed to the bill because they support the resource industry, they do buy into the idea of solving CO2 emissions via central planning.
So our submission will be the only full-blooded rejection of the bill in its entirety. This confirms the need for a strong rational policy voice in Queensland politics. Industry groups tend to take a narrow view, while we can take a broad principled view.
When you read our submission you will see that it doesn't just take an economic point of view, but a practical as well as moral one. We repeat many of the positions that we have taken in the past relying on work conducted for us by Dr Tom Biegler and Gene Tunny. The submission also suggests that nuclear is the only low-emitting technology that provides a solution to our energy needs.
The bottom line on the bill is that it would produce a lot of misery, including starvation and premature death, for no reduction in CO2 at all.