Federal Election Review

The pollster, the professor and the practitioner

Dear Senator,

Our federal election review will give you insights you won't get anywhere else. It will be a panel discussion between Graham Young, Dr Scott Prasser and Lincoln Folo. As part of the event Graham will be launching some of our very own focus group research on what voters were thinking when they voted.

The review will be held in our offices, Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road, Woolloongabba on Wednesday August 17 at 6:00 for 6:30 pm and will run for an hour or so. Food and drink will be provided and tickets range between $10 for an AIP student to $25 for a member of the general public. AIP members are $20.

To book click here.

Lincoln Folo is the LNP's State Director a veteran who has run three Queensland federal election campaigns. Dr Scott Prasser is a former politics professor and staffer with 5 decades of political experience, and Graham Young is the AIP Executive Director who has been polling federal elections for 21 years.

Together they will talk about their perspectives on the 2022 federal election and what it means for the centre-right. While Labor won a bare majority, the Liberal Party went backward badly, losing to Teals and Greens as well as Labor and Independents, while the minor right-of-centre parties under-performed on their own expectations.

The only state where there was a coalition majority after the election was Queensland - Lincoln's patch.

Was this the climate change election? Where was the economy and national security, health, unemployment and education? Was COVID a factor? Is there a permanent realignment of the electorate? If so what are the new alignments? How should centre-right political parties navigate them?

Some say elections are won in the middle ground. Others argue that standing on your own values is the best way to win power. Is this a binary choice, or are there other paths?

Our panel will deal with these questions and many more. If you're interested in the future of Australia, you'll be interested in this discussion. To book click here.



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