Final call for McIlwraith lecture

Still some places left


Dear ,

The McIlwraith Lecture is just over a week away but there is still time to book. This lecture will have record numbers so don't be the person to miss out.

I'd also like to say thanks to those who are sponsoring a student. As a result of their generosity there will be 25 secondary and university students in attendance. This is particularly significant because we need to spread the word about the importance of entrepreneurship, innovation and classical liberal values beyond those who are already convinced and committed to those who are still forming their views.

The Terry White Chemists story will be particularly interesting as the pharmacy industry has not been designed along free market principles at all. Businesses are licensed so as to limit their number, and a single pharmacist can only own a small number of pharmacies. There are also restrictions on where pharmacies can be placed. There are also price controls. Threading the needle through all these restrictions to create a large and vibrant business couldn't have been easy.

But attempts to curb commercial pressures just channel them into different directions. I'll be interested to find out about the wrinkles in how this franchise business was built under these restraints and Rhonda White's role in it.

I'm also interested to explore the personal side. When couples work together in the one business it can be emotionally difficult to navigate your personal relationship, but how does that work when the business is a monster like this one?

To get in while you can click here and book. The lecture will be held on Wednesday September 14, 7:00 for 7:30 at the Greek Club.

Hope to see you in just over a week. Don't leave it too long to book - you have until September 9 at 9:30 am.



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