Freedom to think – the best gift for Christmas

Spreading more than goodwill at Christmas


Christmas is coming, time is flying and you’ve got presents to buy. So much to do, and so little time.

And you want the present to be significant.

So here’s a solution – order some books from our online store to give to family and friends. Here are a few suggestions for titles that might influence the next generation.

You can check out the full range at

(If you live around Woolloongabba or Clayfield, you can save some money by organising to pick them up from us at the office or home and save postage costs).

The Fortunate: Ten great writers highlight how we created free and affluent societies

Who could you wish for better guides to liberal thought than Frédéric Bastiat, Leonard E. Read, F.A. Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Deirdre McCloskey, Matt Ridley, Martin Luther King, Jonathan Haidt, Meg Wheatley and Peter Murphy?

Peter Fenwick has selected a short and exemplary passage from each of these for the ten chapters of this primer. The philosophers of the Enlightenment told us that liberty works and that prosperity flows from it. Two hundred years of history has shown us that this is true, even though a generation seems to have forgotten history.

The Burden of Culture

Gary Johns was once the minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and in the 26 years since he left government has tirelessly published on Indigenous issues. The Aboriginal industry fails to address the needs of the 20 per cent minority of their population who still live in despair.Those who remain in remote and rural Australia are being asked to build a new Jerusalem on poor lands with ancient cultural hab­its. This captive minority needs to reach out, literally, but the politics of their leaders keeps them locked where they are. This book offers solutions.

The Young Menzies

Sir Robert Menzies is probably the most significant Australian politician ever. If you're a member of the Liberal Party (as I know many of you are) and are despairing of the prospects for your party this book covers Menzies' life between 1894 and 1942. These are Menzies' formative years. This period is also the time in which Menzies first attained power, though in difficult circumstances, when the focus of the nation was on survival. It was in losing office that Menzies was given the impetus to develop his vision for post-war Australia.

This edition has almost sold out and we have the last 20 copies available for sale. So be quick.

Beyond Belief

In Beyond Belief: Rethinking the Voice to Parliament, twelve distinguished Australians set out their reasons why we need to question the wisdom of enshrining a Voice to parliament by amending the Constitution.

Some of these reasons are legal, political and constitutional; but others express concern that constitutional amendment will do nothing to address the social disadvantage endured by many Indigenous Australians – a burden which weighs heavily on each of the contributors.

Beyond Belief: Rethinking the Voice to Parliament will equip Australians who have their own doubts about the proposed referendum with informed and compelling reasons for deciding to vote ‘No’ when asked to change our nation’s founding document.

Other books I like

Green Murder - Ian Plimer's latest documentation of the real forces behind climate change, and his indictment of Greens politicians.

Reef Heresy? Science, Research and the Great Barrier Reef - Peter Ridd exposes the reality of the rude good health of the reef. This is an ongoing battle as UNESCO threatens to list the reef as endangered.

Do lockdowns and border closures serve the "greater good"? - Gigi Foster and Sanjeev Sabhlok lay out in depressing detail the costs Australians endured for precious little benefit, in what may well be the greatest peacetime disaster in Australian history.

Cardinal Pell, the Media Pile-on & Collective Guilt - Gerard Henderson traces the witch hunt for Cardinal Pell. Worth a refresher in light of the Brittany Higgins debacle. Both are cases where media and political hype resulted in the laying of charges that should never have been laid.

Cancel Culture - a variety of contributors including Tony Abbott, Peta Credlin, and the editor Kevin Donnelly, examine the roots and consequences of today's puritanical cancel culture.

There are fewer than three weeks left to Christmas. Let us help to make shopping just a little easier.



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