Getting to the next generation
Dear ,
The McIlwraith Lecture is about building an institution - an enduring event that will stand up for and spread strong values. It is also an opportunity to listen to an inspiring speech from an outstanding achiever, and to catch-up with friends, old and new. But if that is all it is it will never become an institution.
Institutions are long-lived, and they need the support not just of a generation, but of generations, because part of their role is to acculturate those who come after.
Some of you who have booked tickets are bringing their understudies - their children and grandchildren, or nephews and nieces. Others aren't able to come, but they've bought a ticket on the condition I find a student to take the seat. Still others are coming, and they've promised extra money so a student can come as well.
So I thought I'd ask if you might like to sponsor a student to attend. Student tickets are only $120, and this would be an investment in the future. Think of it as a student scholarship - one that might encourage them to graduate with a whole new view of the world.
Our lecturers have inspiring stories to tell, but they're not the sort of stories that young Australians at school and university are likely to hear. It would be great to think that after growing a pharmacy giant from a couple of chemist shops in suburban Redcliffe, Rhonda White's words and story might inspire today's young Australians to do the modern equivalent.
Success isn't being an "influencer", it's being an "achiever", and achievement isn't measured by clicks and endorsements, or milking equity funds, or taking on woke social crusades, it's measured by making a real difference in people's lives. A great business does this by offering a quality solution at the right price so that it improves, or sometimes transforms, customers' lives. You'll also find that a great business also creates great employees.
Rhonda's story is about changing the lives of customers, but the part she seems to be the most proud of is changing those who worked for her.
If you want to reach out to the next generation by sponsoring a student to attend, please let me know by return email.If you still haven't booked for yourself, then please click here and book. The lecture will be held on Wednesday September 14, 7:00 for 7:30 at the Greek Club.
Look forward to seeing you in two and a bit weeks. Don't leave it too long to book.