Slides and recordings
Dear ,
I know from feedback that many of our attendees found our "Go Nuclear or Go Extinct" lunch informative and challenging, and they wanted more.
So here is just a little more that I thought the rest of you on our mailing lists might also might find interesting. Power generation is such an important issue. Too important to be left to the media releases masquerading as policy like Labor's Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan.
And while government officials can pretend that you can run a modern economy on unreliable renewables like wind and solar, we know that it will take a lot of storage to prevent these technologies from undermining the system, and that nuclear is the only form of base load power that will meet their emissions expectations.
This was confirmed by both of our speakers, Professor Stephen Wilson, from the University of Queensland, and former Extinction Rebellion Spokesperson Zion Lights from the UK.
Stephen Wilson has sent me his slides from the function, which you can download by clicking here. If you only look at one slide from this presentation, make it Slide Number 9 which shows the huge need for alternative baseload power in the system from 2030 and onwards.
We also live-streamed the function (thank you Barclay) and you can watch the presentation by going to our Facebook page.The substantive part of the recording starts around 32 minutes.
You might also like to block out November 15 as the proposed date for our next lunch. That's the day that the world ticks over to 8 billion inhabitants, as far as the statisticians can tell, so we're looking to bring two speakers to you - one for a big Australia, and the other for a smaller one.
I'll let you know as we go.