Another "state of origin" contest with something important hanging from it - good government
Dear ,
I know what you're thinking "Not another book launch". And it's not another book launch, it's a policy paper published as a monograph. We won't ask you to buy it, you will receive a copy free. The fee is to cover the cost of wine and antipasto.
When David Cox expressed interest in funding a project looking at Federalism COVID-mania was at its height and our states were behaving more like individual colonies than they had ever since 1901. It seemed a perfect opportunity to examine a natural experiment in how federation was originally supposed to work and what benefits, if any, a more original form of federation might give us.
So the project was born.
Author Brendan Markey-Towler is unavailable to do the launch, so leading economist Gene Tunny will perform the honours instead.
So which state had the best performance? You'll have to come along to find out, but without giving much away, it wasn't Victoria.
The launch will be in our offices, Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road, on Monday June 12:00 at 7:30 pm. Cost $25 general; $15 student with $5 discount for AIP members. Includes copy of the monograph. Too book, click here.
Look forward to seeing you here.