McIlwraith Lecture almost here

Human connections with Mt Isa will make this a special occasion.


Dear ,

It was family lore that one of my mother's relatives worked as a gardener at MIM. It fitted family history because on mum's side the men were all Cornish tin miners who came out to Australia in the late nineteenth century.

The photo at the right is from Robyn Mitchell whose father took it when working at the Isa as a school teacher. We'll also have more recent employees of the mine in attendance, as well as relatives of some of the outstanding leaders, like Sir George Fisher.

So while Robert Gottliebsen will be the keynote storyteller, invoking the magic and the success of Queensland's most important mine, there will be plenty of others with deep personal experience and  enthusiasm.

This lecture is not to be missed and we are currently expecting around 200 attendees who agree, so make sure you're one of them.

Date is September 13, 2023, and the function will commence at 7:00 for 7:30 pm at the Victoria Park Golf Club, 309 Herston Road, Herston - one of Brisbane's most accessible venues with plenty of on-site parking. AIP members are $165 a head, non-members are $185, and tables of 10 are $165 a head which includes a two-course dinner and all drinks. To book click here.

The Australian carries a story today of how Australia could miss the next minerals view because of uncompetitive tax and regulatory regimes combined with an increase in sovereign risk. The benefits mining brings are starkly underlined in this quote:

"Chief executive Tania Constable will release a reform blueprint on Monday pushing for urgent policy changes that could increase real wages by 9.4 per cent, leave households $11,700 better off, the economy $290bn larger and GDP per person $9900 higher by the end of the decade."

All that in just 7 years!

Mining is an important industry and it is one that we have been keen to support as an institute. It's also one that is poorly understood.

We still have some places available for our student scholars. This is the generation that really needs to be convinced to continue investing in the success of their country, so if you know of anyone who would benefit, please let me know by emailing me

I look forward to seeing you there.



PS Thanks to our sponsors, the Red Union Support Hub, and De Bortoli Wines.

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