Still room
Dear ,
We still have room at the launch of Wokeshevism this Thursday with Professor Jim Allan. Wokeshevism is a collection of essays about the social pathologies characterised as "Wokeness", but tying it closely to its Communist and totalitarian antecedents.
Time is 6:00 for 6:30 pm. at Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road Woolloongabba and tickets range between $10 for AIP Student members to $25 for non-AIP members, and includes drinks and antipasto. To book, click here.
Jim Allan not only has a penetrating intellect, but suffers from a major evanescence of wit. It will be a great evening.
On April 19 we will be launching another book. This one is a collection of essays, but in this case by just one author - Andrew Laming, medical doctor, and the former member for Bowman. The core of the book Political COVID: How Australia’s Leadership Played the Pandemic is how the government ignored science to press on with various COVID policies. It is a lesson in how difficult it is for members of parliament, even those with expertise, to influence their colleagues.
We picked-up on many of the problems with COVID policy early on, and so did Andrew. Neither of us had much success at the time, but now that we are further away from the events public and official opinion may be starting to turn. Australia can certainly not afford (economically as well as otherwise) another policy debacle like the COVID one.
Andrew's book launch will be in the offices of Compono, who are sponsoring the event through their sister company Lyre, the manufacturers of non-alcoholic spirits. Cost is a flat $10 and includes antipasto and Lyre products, and if you are an AIP member you can apply the entry cost against the price of a copy of Political COVID, signed by the author. Address is Level 3, 32 Duncan Street Fortitude Valley and the function starts at 6:00 for 6:30 pm. To book, click here.