News on COVID-19

News you can use

Dear ,

As one of the signatories to our open letter to Australian Heads of Government I thought you might be interested in this email which is adapted from one sent out by Professor Gigi Foster. It covers a range of issues to keep you up-to-date with how things are developing. While COVID has slipped into the background, the next pandemic is just around the corner, as you may have noticed with the over-hyping of every illness from Monkey Pox (mainly transmitted between gay men at the moment), flu (this season is going to be a shocker even thought we haven't had it yet), and now Legionaires Disease.

Costs and Benefits

On the ABC Q&A Pre-Election Special, Gigi spoke about the cost-benefit analysis of Australia's covid lockdowns that she has produced with the great help of ex-Victorian Treasury economist Sanjeev Sabhlok, and just released last week. The Executive Summary is enough for most readers, but if you have an appetite for the whole 145-page draft  let us know. Sanjeev has written about the CBA in The Spectator (also viewable here), spoken about it on TNT radio, and has also kindly produced the following excerpts of the recent ABC Q&A program:

- full comments at

- covid-related comments at:

- summary of Gigi's views:

- showing that Morrison's figures of 40k are untrustworthy:

With Paul FrijtersGIgi has also released this paper describing the costs of the covid policy tragedy and calling out those in the Australian economics profession whose behaviour added to the damage.

Dissent is continuing

Common sense is increasingly on the offensive. Every day, resistance thinkers are offering up more incisive, engaging contributions explaining the underpinnings of the continuing mismanagement of covid, from why the medical profession has become so captured (also see here and here), to how and why bullying works, to how control has been employed in countries around the world, to how people were led to dehumanising others based on their medical choices, to how tactics of distraction and misinformation by the media have led people away from truth and common sense. The truth-speaking offered by Peter McCollough's new book, this excellent article by Russell Blaylock that calls the spades of this period what they are, this take-down (and this one) of a recent CMAJ article claiming that the unvaccinated are dangerous to be around, this piece going on the front foot about masking harms, this ex-post self-check by Ivor Cummins, this open letter calling out captured institutions by Steve Kirsch, this broad-ranging discussion with two leading thinkers, Adam Creighton's incisive review of Australia's covid policy blunders, the attached "autopsy of the American left", the attached discussion of social media censorship, and many such contributions (even this cool analysis from the National Bureau of Economic Research) is cathartic and inspirational. Uncaptured evaluations of the covid jabs continue to be aired (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here).

Useful resources (featuring Geert Vanden Bossche) (collecting the stories of those harmed by covid policy decisions; another similar effort is here) (more stories, in video form) (recruitment of the still vaccine-free, for the purpose of future monitoring) (collecting grassroots reports of covid vaccine side effects)


See here and here for recent legal wins overseas, and here for a nascent attempt to re-invigorate education in the "developed" world with the values of the enlightenment.

Some introspection

Australian governments themselves (and even some authors in significantly tainted scientific outlets) are increasingly recognising the costs of our response, while many restrictions remain in place within and at Australia's borders and a full reckoning is still years away at best. In the UK an "inquiry" has been set up about the country's covid response and some influential lockdown advocates have started to repent publicly, Denmark has stopped its covid vaccine program, and some US lawmakers are starting to call for government apologies, while Macron recently sailed to re-election in France despite his covid policy mismanagement and China's leadership has revealed its cards by imposing strict wholesale lockdowns upon the residents of its largest cities, causing human carnage and ripple effects across the world. The downstream effects of the world's covid policy blunders are now being felt, even in developed countries, in the heartbreaking form of hungry babies.

Who Pandemic Treaty

Concern has emerged in the worldwide resistance about the WHO Pandemic Treaty. While signing this treaty may not be the death knell (also see here) for national sovereignty that some have claimed, petitions and pleas have been organised against it and the Covid Medical Network has prepared a response.

Something to smile about

Finally, something to lift your spirit: the humour offered at the most recent White House Correspondents' Dinner by comedian Trevor Noah:



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