Prime Directives in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: The Politics of Star Trek and Star Wars

Dear ,

This is not just one for would-be Jedi knights or Trekkies. There's more to life than "the Force". Star Wars and Star Trek are great adventure stories, but they also propagate  particular views of how the world should be. These views in turn can lead to a change in attitudes towards things we regard as good, such as human rights and democracy itself.

Ilya Somin, Professor of Law at George Mason University and adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, will give a talk on the politics of how these imaginary worlds work, and what we're ingesting, along with the adventure and romance.

Date: Wednesday May 18, 2016, 6:00 for 6:30 pm.
Venue: Alliance Hotel 320 Boundary Street, Spring Hill Q 4000.
Cost: $20 ($10 AIP members)
To book click here

Kind regards,

Graham Young
Executive Director
Australian Institute for Progress