Reminder and materials Climate Energy Policy Issues paper webinar July 13, 2020


Look forward to "seeing" you tonight. It's a fascinating topic, and we've had a lot of acceptances.

I've attached Tom Biegler's paper and  you can download his presentation slides by clicking here. It's not compulsory to read them, but it might also help to follow his arguments if you do.These are embargoed until after the conclusion of the seminar.

While you will be able to ask questions via chat during the seminar, you can also email me before the event at (I will stop monitoring that email account somewhere around 5:30 pm, so do it earlier rather than later).

The address for the webinar is:

(If you click on it and it doesn't open, try copying and pasting it into your browser address bar. If that doesn't work then go to and log in to Meeting Room 978 6075 4142 using the password 924825.)

We will have the Zoom room open from 5:30 pm so you have time to test your equipment and make sure that you can access it, and the lecture will start at 6:00 pm. 

So, goodbye, until somewhere around 6:00 pm this evening.



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