Keep backing a winner – renew your AIP membership

Please invest in us

Dear ,

Tuesday was the Melbourne Cup and most of our fellow citizens (and maybe you as well) spent some of their hard-earned dosh for the chance of a high risk return, and a good time.

It's great that we live in a country rich enough, and comfortable enough, to stop for a day and watch some horses run around a track. But this wealth and comfort didn't happen by accident.

Australia has been a long term project for generations, and I'm asking you to support the on-going development of this project by renewing your membership to the Australian Institute for Progress. (Just click here.)

It's an investment, rather than a punt, and I reckon it will give you a better return than the Cup.

We're the only centre-right think tank in Queensland, and over the 5 years of our existence we've been gradually building a base for conservatives and classical liberals to get sustenance, support and community. We've also turned-out some great papers and kicked some political goals.

Your support has been invaluable.

Over the last 12 months we've run 11 functions, including our annual McIlwraith Lecture, and a lunch with John Howard. Next year should see this easily exceeded as we use our new premises with its lecture theatre to full advantage.

We've also been active in policy, producing 7 papers on issues like power generation, taxation (including franking credits) and housing, with a current focus on water security projects, like the Hielscher scheme proposal (a heavily modified version of the Bradfield Scheme). We've also produced studies campaigning against the ALP's rorting of the electoral system in Queensland, by modifying voting systems, banning property developers from donating, and now trying to weaponise third parties like unions and green groups by capping electoral spending by the major parties.

Our Housing Affordability Index is produced quarterly, and our occasional Factbites check policy claims made by various politicians.

We also keep a regular watch on Australian average temperatures by being the only organisation in Australia to post the Australian satellite figures every month.

Our polling continues to give an accurate view of what the public thinks about state and federal election contests as well as various social and political issues. For example, we correctly identified older Australians as determining the outcome of the last federal election two months before the election.

And we contribute to media debate, as you can see from looking at the News page on our website.

All of this takes resources, and resources cost money. Which is a good reason why you should renew. We've secured a very generous donation of office space, and our once-a-week intern Nicholas Umashev has his wage covered by another generous donation.

Which leaves me, and the various associates we contract to do specific policy work. And did I mention that we need $5,000 for a new website?

So please renew for another twelve months – it's still only $100, with an 80% discount for students. Or think about becoming a foundation member for a once-and-for-all membership fee of $1,100.

We can't just hope that Australia continues to be a beacon for free and successful countries, we have to work to make sure it stays that way. As our slogan says "The future does not look after itself".


Graham Young
Executive Director

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