Was it all just talk? How do we maximise its value?
Dear , A quick reminder that this Wednesday, in the AIP offices at Woolloongabba, we will be reporting on the ARC conference held in London at the beginning of November.
While the presence of Jordan Peterson loomed over the event it appeared to me that it really was the result of a committee process, possibly driven more by Baroness Stroud than anyone else (but no doubt Amanda Stoker who was on the organising committee will be able to fill us in on the facts versus the perceptions).
So its agenda was broader than, and different to, that of Jordan Petersen.
When I first heard about the conference there was nowhere else in the whole world that I would rather have been than London between October 30 and November 1. There were somewhere around 149 Australians who had much the same feeling I suspect. Australians were in fact quite visible, with three former prime ministers in attendance, and two of them as speakers.
Since the conference I've run into a number of other attendees, and I think we are all still processing it. There is massive potential when you bring 1500 broadly-aligned people together from all over the world. And potential needs to be realised, but it's not always obvious how this is to be achieved.
So treat our event this Wednesday as "thinking out loud" with plenty of opportunity for ideas to be developed between our presenters and the audience.
I’m expecting a capacity crowd in our auditorium ... we're certainly close to standing-room only at the moment, but we've exceeded seating capacty once in the past and might do it again. To book click here. (Date is Wednesday November 22, and time is 6:30 pm at Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road, Woolloongabba.) Presenters will be Amanda Stoker, Campbell Newman, Dan Ryan and me. You might want to check out the ARC site to get an idea of what happened, as well as checking out their YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@arc_forum. Hope to see you this Wednesday. I'm sure that what we say will feed in at least to the proposed Australian ARC conference, mooted for next year.
Details again are: Date and time: November 22, 2023 at 6:30 for 7:00 pm Place: Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road, Woolloongabba Cost: $25 general admission, $20 AIP members, $15 students, and $10 AIP student members. All tickets include antipasto and drinks
To book click here.