July 20 is the new date
Dear ,
Ironically, because I came down with COVID we had to reschedule the panel presentation originally scheduled for this evening.
The Doctors Against Mandates (DAM) group will explain why they are taking Queensland's Chief Health Officer to court on July 20 now , in our offices. To book click here.
To recap the DAM function: Drs David Johnson, Georgina Hale and Associate Professor Peter Parry will talk about why they and their fellow plaintiffs have refused vaccination and how this case is important to them, and to good health and medicine. They argue that their human rights, including their right to determine what they put into their body; how they discuss, diagnose and treat illness in their patients; and their right to work; are being illegally abridged by the government. Come and hear their story Wednesday July 20 in our offices at Unit 2B, 50 Logan Road, Woolloongabba. To book, click here.
The function will start at 6:00 pm for 6:30 pm and run to 8:00 pm. As usual it will include drinks and finger food. Tickets are $25 for the general public and $20 for AIP members. We also have student and concession tickets.