From one pharmacy to over 500
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Rhonda White AO is the co-founder, along with husband Terry, of Terry White Chemists. She is also an Adjunct Professor and Honorary Doctor of Pharmacy at QUT and an Honorary Professor at Griffith University. She has outperformed as a mother, an entrepreneur, a manager and a citizen. Along with husband Terry she has made a huge contribution to Australia through business and involvement in politics and community.
Terry White Chemmart is one of the big brands of Australian pharmacy, having grown from one modest pharmacy in Woody Point started in 1958. It's a Queensland success story that prides itself on its human relations as much as its business success.
Rhonda is this year's McIlwraith lecturer. The lecture will be held on Wednesday September 14, 7:00 for 7:30 at the Greek Club. to book click here.
This is our major fundraiser for the year, so if you support the work that we do, please think about organising a table of your friends and colleagues.
Each year, the McIlwraith Lecture honours someone who is making a practical and entrepreneurial contribution to Queensland by asking them to share their experiences and philosophy. It is named after Sir Thomas McIlwraith, an entrepreneurial colonial premier of Queensland and one of the fathers of Federation.
I believe that our side of the ideological argument does not celebrate our successes, and the people who have achieved them, enough. People learn mostly through stories but we are too often the tellers of hard facts and figures and not inspiring narratives.
That's one reason why free market capitalism has a bad name. The public sees the dollars and cents, but it doesn't appreciate the vision, innovation and hard work that goes into producing them, along with the ability to inspire workers and consultants to collaborate towards a shared goal.
Look forward to seeing you at this year's McIlwraith lecture.