This book deserves a crowd
I find the title of Professor Ian Plimer's latest book a little confronting. One thing about those of us on the right is that we tend to be polite, and accusing someone of murder, except in the most specific of cases, is not something I'd do.
But having read a fair portion of the book now, so I can do my job properly on Sunday, I am also confronted by the weight and depth of the deposition that he brings to bear.
I've been involved in debating policy on climate change for over two decades now, and I thought I just about knew it all. Well I was wrong, and I have two-thirds to go yet of this 600 (±3) page book. Professor Plimer has a depth of understanding of our earth system (and I use two words rather than one, because his analysis goes from the inner core of the earth out to the outer reaches of the solar system and beyond) that few can match. And he writes with passion.
He also writes with passion about other issues dear to our hearts, like individual liberty and responsibility, empiricism, human welfare and flourishing, and democracy.
We already have a good crowd coming, but this man deserves the largest audience possible. So if you've been thinking of coming and haven't booked don't leave it any longer, click here to book.
The event is at the home of James and Patrice McKay, 34 Howard Street, Paddington. I'm hoping we will be outside, but even if we get showers, there is plenty of space inside.
If you're already coming, but know someone else who could benefit from a talk like this, why don't you give them a call and get them to come along too? Send them this link https://greenmurder.eventbrite.com.au.
The functions starts at 3:00 and we are aiming to wind-up around 5:30, so it should be a good way to round off the weekend and be intellectually refreshed in time for Monday.
Hoping to see you this Sunday, but if not, there will be a lot of other great functions during the year to blow your mind away, and I'll see you there.