This Friday is the launch of "Dignity and Prosperity: The Future of Liberal Australia"

Just a few more days


Dear ,

This Friday is the launch of Dignity and Prosperity: The Future of Liberal Australia.

The book has contributions from some notable Liberal Party thinkers, like David and Rod Kemp, John Howard and Tony Abbott, and the man who will launch the book, Nick Minchin.

I received this link over the weekend It's a video about Peter Dutton the Liberal Party has released to humanise him. While I like and respect Peter, a lot of people I know don't. Partly I think it's the way he looks. Partly the hard man roles that he often had to play in the previous governments.

It's an interesting video, but the Liberal Party needs to do much more than humanise their leader if they want to win elections.

That's why the AIP exists. Not as a Liberal Party cheer squad but as an organisation with classical liberal philosophies (actually I'm starting to use the phrase "Burkean liberal" but why will have to wait for another day) that can talk to and influence a range of parties on the right of politics. With a state election next year we will be looking to campaign on a range of issues in an attempt to affect the election, and the opposition parties.

I see this function as part of the thinking we need to do. And I also want to foreshadow that later in the year we will be running a one day conference or symposium to produce some big ideas for the next state election.

Editor David Stevens has long experience both in politics and as a partner of a major international professional firm. Nick Minchin was a Senator for South Australia and one of the key Coalition strategists from the 80s through to 2011 when he resigned from the senate - he knows a lot about victory, and also defeat.

Be part of the discussion, and come to this launch. If you can't come, think of buying the book (click here).

The launch will be in Tattersall's Club, 215 Queen Street, on Friday June 23 at 12:00 for 12:30 pm and will finish at 2:30 pm. Cost $165 general; $135 member; $100 student. To book, click here.

Look forward to seeing you there.


PS, While we are talking state politics, if you are free tomorrow night you might like to go along to the State of the State function held by Generation Liberty and the ATA at the Paddo Pub. Analysis will be provided by David Janetzki MLA, Gene Tunny and Amanda Stoker. For more details and booking click here.

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