You can now book to hear Will Shackell speak
Dear ,
We've ticked-off all the clauses in Will Shackell's extensive contract and you can now book for lunch to hear him speak on nuclear.on Friday the 13th of October at the Brisbane Club (to book please click here).
Will is to be interviewed by Campbell Newman, and we're hoping that Campbell can do a better job of testing Will than the federal energy minister did (to see what I mean click here).
The reaction to my date claimer has been very strong with some people even booking whole tables so don't take too long to sign-up. It is also only two weeks and three days away, so there is not a long sales period.. While you're thinking how many tickets you will buy you should also look at the website that Will set up for his organisation Nuclear for Australia (please sign his petition) which is a student campaign for nuclear.
I apologise for not having a booking page up yet, but I wanted to let you know about the event so you can put it in your diary. It is just under three weeks away.
And don't let Triskaidekaphobia get in the way. Superstition has been for too long a part of the nuclear debate. Will will do the best he can to exorcise it.