The cancel culture cancer, and what to do about it
Free speech is the gold standard, which we've maintained in the Western World for at least the last 50 years. Cancel culture is the new puritanism, enforcing conformity by expelling dissidents not just from the public sphere but even destroying businesses, terminating employment and severing social ties. It's time to fight back and return to sanity. This book is a topical and informative anthology exploring the origins and impact of cancel culture and political correctness on Western societies. The anthology concludes by positively exploring the best way forward in order to foster reason and balance instead of politically correct ideology and group think.
We've been very lucky to have Tony Abbott agree to this launch, and as an added bonus we have the books editor, Dr Kevin Donnelly. Copies of the book will be on sale at the lunch
Date and time: July 6, 2021 at 12:00 for 12:30 pm Venue: The Brisbane Club, 241 Adelaide Street, BRISBANE Q 4000 Cost: $165 per person ($135 per tables of 10, or AIP members). Includes two course meal and all drinks RSVP: Tuesday June 29, 2021 or 0411 104 801. Online bookings at The event will be held in the dining room of the Brisbane Club close to Central Station and public transport. The club also has discount parking deals with MacArthur Central and the Post Office Square Carpark.