And apologies, last headline was accidentally misleading
Dear ,
Further to my last email calling for a decisive No result, and expressing concern that efforts be maintained right until the last moment, it seems things are a little disorganised on the booth-manning front.
Just after I sent that email I was contacted by a staffer from the LNP who has been given the job of coordinating booth workers for the Brisbane electorate. He contacted me because I had put myself down for three hours on the local Bonney Avenue polling booth. It seems they had no booth captain and I might have been the only volunteer.
So they now have a booth captain, I'll be working all day, and I am calling on friends, family and colleagues to help out. If you are in Clayfield or roundabout and can spare two or three hours, please let me know.
And if you live elsewhere and can spare some time to work in your area, please let me know as well and I will pass your name and details on.
With recent developments in Israel, and the resultant rise in active group grievance on our streets I'm more than ever determined to ensure group rights of any sort are excluded from our constitution.
If you can help, the best email to use to contact me is graham.young@aip.asn.au, or call me on 0411 104 801.
And yes, the headline on my previous email should have read "No needs a decisive win" rather than "Referendum needs a decisive win".