The best person for the job is the one that can marshall facts persuasively, and draw a crowd
Dear ,
I've been amazed at how popular this function is proving. 2 weeks to go and we're halfway to having the venue booked-out. Will Shackell has obviously struck a chord.
I've also been surprised at some of the push-back I've received from a small minority. It goes something like this:
"Why should I listen to what a 17 year old has to say about nuclear - he has no life experience? I remembering you pooh-poohing Greta Thunberg because she was a school girl. Now you're playing the same card."
Well one answer to that is to come along on Friday the 13th of October at the Brisbane Club (to book please click here) and see for yourself that Will is no token young person roped in to speak on nuclear just because he is young. . But there is some force in the argument, and it's probably one reason why Will's Q&A performance (to see it again click here) sent "Greta" trending on Twitter.
However there is a world of difference between Greta and Will. Some people gain prominence just because they are young, other people who will make a big contribution gain prominence when they are young because they show that promise.
Will Shackell is definitely in the latter group. I don't think we will be hearing much from Greta Thunberg on climate change in the future because her knowledge and understanding are negligible. Age was the major reason she stood out.
Some of our greats matured early. Mozart was playing concerts at age six, Blaise Pascal wrote a treatise on vibration age nine, Einstein produced an original proof of the Pythagorean Theorum aged 12 and so on.
Now I don't want to jinx Will with such eminent comparisons, but he has understanding beyond his years which will surely develop as he grows older, and he presents his arguments logically and persuasively, and is across his subject matter. He also offers us a bridge to understanding how younger generations feel and think about nuclear.
While you're thinking how many tickets you will buy you should also look at the website that Will set up for his organisation Nuclear for Australia (please sign his petition) which is a student campaign for nuclear.
Details of the function are:
Date: Friday October 13, 12:00 for 12:30 (ends 2:30) Venue: The Brisbane Club, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Cost: $135 AIP members, $165 others, $100 students, $1350 tables of ten (all tickets include two course meal and drinks)
To book click here