Will Shackell lunch October 13 in Brisbane

Will Shackell, student campaigner for nuclear, to speak to Campbell Newman

Dear ,

The AIP will be hosting Will Shackell at a lunch on Friday the 13th of October at the Brisbane Club (to book please click here).

Will is to be interviewed by Campbell Newman, and we're hoping that Campbell can do a better job of testing Will than the federal energy minister did (to see what I mean click here).

Having seen Will on Q&A and having met him in person I believe he will be very influential in helping to get nuclear power generation happening in Australia. Those of us who support this need to promote his work. If you live in Brisbane, please come along and if you are not a member of our organisation you may use the code U-235 to get a $30 discount off the price of a general ticket.

Feel free to book a table and bring your friends and colleagues along as well.

And if you don't live in Brisbane, please pass this email on to someone who does.

You should also look at the website that Will set up for his organisation Nuclear for Australia (please sign his petition) which is a student campaign for nuclear.

And don't let Triskaidekaphobia get in the way. Superstition has been for too long a part of the nuclear debate. Will will do the best he can to exorcise it.




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