20 Policy Suggestions to Break the Senate Deadlock

With the election as prime minister of Scott Morrison the government will be looking to reset on a  number of issues. In particular we believe that the government needs to reset in a way that can avoid the current deadlock in the senate as much as possible.

The deadlock occurs because the ALP is not prepared to accept the result of the last election, and therefore joins with the Greens and micro- and nano-parties to block key government initiatives. The key to fixing the situation is to convince the smaller parties and the independents of the wisdom of key government legislation.

We don’t support all of the government’s agenda, but we are convinced of the need for significant parts of it. We are also concerned at some of the ALP policy positions which will hobble Australia with greater regulation, higher taxes, lower productivity and higher debt while fixing none of the problems they claim to fix.

In fact we have seen most of these policies before, just over 40 years ago in the time of the Whitlam government.

This list of innovative policy recommendations is designed to avoid the current deadlocks, represent good policy, and in our view would be acceptable to a broad range of parliamentarians.

The list is not exhaustive, and seeks to deal with those issues that are likely to be most immediate for the new administration and that are most important for the country.

To download 20 Policy Suggestions to Break the Senate Deadlock, please click here.