Second Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture with Bevan Slattery
Thu 09 June 201612:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Join the Australian Institute for Progress over lunch for the second annual Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture
Prime Directives in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: The Politics of Star Trek and Star Wars
Wed 18 May 20166:00 pm - 10:00 pm
There’s more to life than “The Force”. Star Wars and Star Trek are great adventure stories, but they also propagate a particular view of how the world should be. Ilya Somin, Professor of Law at George Mason University and adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute will give a talk on the politics of how these […]
Democracy and Political Ignorance
Mon 16 May 20166:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Smaller government reduces the problems of political ignorance including to George Mason Univeristy Professor Ilya Somin.
Homogenising more than milk: what adjustments to temperature records do
Thu 28 April 20166:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Jennifer Marohasy blows the whistle on “homogenisation” adjustments to raw temperature record by the BOM.
No Offence Intended - Why 18C is wrong
Tue 26 April 20166:00 pm - 8:00 pm
There is a good chance that Section 18c is unconstitutional. Three legal experts explain…
Book Launch: "Australia's Defence" David Archibald
Wed 13 April 20166:00 pm - 8:30 pm
David Archibald, is a Perth-based scientist and analyst. Hear David speak on his latest book launched by his publisher, Connor Court. We should be taking the Chinese at their word. When they say they will seize the Senkaku islands from Japan, then they will be attacking Japan. When say they are going to seize the South […]
Book launch: "No Contraception No Dole"
Thu 25 February 20166:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Gary Johns’ latest book is launched by his publisher, and new Queenslander, Anthony Capello from Connor Court. Book online by clicking here. Entry is free, and there will be a cash bar.
'can do' Book Launch
Wed 07 October 201512:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Click here to book for the launch of can do: Campbell Newman and the Challenge of Reform. Campbell Newman was Premier of Queensland from 2012 to 2015 as a first term MLA. He was the first Queenslander to lead the opposition without actually being a member of the parliament since Sir Thomas McIlwraith, over 100 […]
Greg Sheridan Book Launch
Mon 24 August 20155:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Join us for the Brisbane launch of Greg Sheridan’s When We Were Young and Foolish: A memoir of my misguided youth with Tony Abbott, Bob Carr, Malcolm Turnbull, Kevin Rudd and other reprobates. The launch is joint with Melbourn’e IPA. To book please click here (AIP members free, as well as IPA members). Date Claimer […]
The Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture
Wed 29 July 20155:30 pm
Join us for cocktails and the inaugural Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture, with guest speaker John Wagner, Chairman of Wagners, owners and developers of Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport, Toowoomba. To book please click here. Date Claimer Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture When July 29, 2015 Where The Brisbane Club Time 5:30 for 6:00 pm Bookings Please click […]