The calculation error in COVID-19 projections made by the Peter Doherty Institute, and incorporated into the National Cabinet response, was preventable and foreseeable.
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Queensland COVID governance needs urgent overhaul
It’s time that the cost benefit analyses and other modelling being used by Chief Health Officer Jeanette Young are made public, and the circle of advisors and decision-makers broadened.
Let the woke go broke
Want to fight back against weak woke coporates? There’s an app for that – or could be.
Sir Thomas McIlwraith was not a slaver – unpublished letter-to-editor
There are at least 2 ways of cancelling someone. One way is to remove their name from a place. Another, and more damaging, is to distort their reputation.
Submission on Queensland Government’s economic response to COVID-19
If the measures we take to combat a pandemic reduce economic well-being too much in an effort to protect some citizens from the disease, it will damage the health of other citizens by destroying their livelihoods or prospects.
Strategic Climate/Energy Policy Issues Paper
The task to make Australia 100% clean-energy is much larger than generally thought requiring approximately 250% more electricity generation than at present.
Housing Affordability Index March 2020
Housing became more affordable in the first quarter of this year everywhere, apart from Hobart and on average homes are more affordable across Australia now than at any time in the last 17 years.
Open up our country – sign the open letter
If you agree with this letter signed by 30 prominent Australian academics, intellectuals and business people, please add your signature.
Queensland Parliament to investors: What’s yours is ours
The state government can find $200 million for the rescue a 90% foreign-owned airline like Virgin, but is happy to throw Queensland investors under a bus.
Queensland Government’s new, secret, tenancy laws unnecessary, unjust and inequitable
In the last federal election Labor lost in large part because of their proposed taxes on negative gearing and dividends. This proposal is even more unjust.