It is because it is anti-democratic; undermines the power of existing indigenous voices; permanent; and on past performance, likely to be disfunctional. It is also divisive.
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Labor’s $2 Bn social housing policy is inflationary and will result in fewer and less affordable dwellings
Australian Institute of Progress Executive Director Graham Young said that as the problem in the housing market wasn’t a lack of funds for investment, but a lack of stock, Labor’s $2 Bn will just make prices more expensive for everyone.
Queensland is the latest state to feel pain of misallocation of GST revenues
The Australian Institute for Progress has renewed calls for GST revenue to be distributed to the states on a per capita basis as galloping mining revenues in WA and Queensland expose the structural weaknesses in the current system.
Covid-19 and Australian federalism
Did you know that some of the most successful countries in the world are federations?
Queensland Climate Transition Bill 2023
This was a Greens’ bill which was considered by the State Development and Regional Industries Parliamentary Committee. It was quite radical and called for NetZero by 2035 plus the banning of all fossil fuel production.
Capping rents will make things much worse
The Queensland government should scotch any idea of capping rentals if they want to help people searching for a house to rent, and actually do something, rather than convening more housing summits.
NSW election 2023 Survey 1
Voters are unenthusiastic about the choice between the government and the opposition and moderately unenthusiastic about the direction of the state. Cost of living is the major issue, which includes housing affordability and the cost of electricity.
Rule out changing negative gearing
It’s time for the prime minister to step up and rule out tinkering with the housing market and get on with the job of creating more supply. In particular he must rule out any changes to negative gearing.
Rule out changes to negative gearing
It’s time for the prime minister to step up and rule out tinkering with the housing market and get on with the job of creating more supply. In particular he must rule out any changes to negative gearing according to the Australian Institute for Progress.
Housing Affordability Index Q3 2022
The AIP Housing Affordability Index for the September Quarter 2022 has been released. It shows record repayment unaffordability over the history of the index although it is a little easier to save the deposit.