With the release of the December 2019 quarter figures by the ABS we have just released our most recent housing affordability report. Housing affordability in most cities remains within historically comfortable limits, so this month we also looked at one probable effect of the COVID-19 pandemic - mortgage stress.
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12 month housing loan payment amnesty would be affordable
Modelling by the Australian Institute for Progress shows that homeowning Australians have a financial buffer in the equity in their house that they can safely use to tide over the short-term interruption caused by COVID-19.
Australian bushfires on Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera
Last night I was interviewed by TRT - Turkey's answer to Al Jazeera - on a panel moderated by Adnan Azwaz on the Australian fires. My fellow panellists were Professor Mark Howden and Tony Kevin.
Housing affordability index September, 2019
It is now 5.83% cheaper for the average Australian to repay an average housing loan than it was in 1994, but it takes the average Australian 65% longer to save the deposit.
Spending cap leaves Labor sitting pretty
Instead of “taking money out of politics”, new electoral funding laws announced by the Premier just change the mix and move more of the chips to Labor’s side of the table.
September temperature data
The lower tropospheric temperature over Australia, which we are showing here, was hotter than average, but only the 15th hottest in the satellite record.
Electoral shenanigans masquerading as fairness: new Queensland funding laws
The latest changes purport to level the playing field between political parties and candidates, but instead will encourage the formation of front groups, while allowing the major parties to dip even further into public funding.
2019 McIlwraith Lecture
Trevor St Baker examined the role of government and entrepreneurs working together, drawing on his own experience of over 60 years in the electricity sector.
Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation – a Golden Handcuff
The recent changes will mean some less extreme outcomes in terms of revenue allocation and its effects but will still entail economic efficiency distortions in relation to incentives of State and Territory governments.
Housing affordability index June quarter 2019
House repayments across Australia were at their lowest level for 16 years in the second quarter of this year, according to the latest ABS figures, but the average first home buyer is waiting an additional 15.12 weeks to save a deposit.