Topic: Economics

Memo to G20: trade is the key to beating poverty

Why are we still arguing about this? If “98 per cent” of “climate scientists” agree the climate is changing (not a hard thing to agree on, given the thesis is so vague), why can’t we just accept that trade is the key to poverty decline? Relative poverty, something which only becomes a political issue once a society heads beyond a threshold, is not as important in the third world as absolute poverty. Inequality, pro-growth and other such distractions are noise, which keep the West’s values held high, and the most impoverished and vulnerable within their economic confines.


Why there’s no option but action on Australian tax rules

In the year ahead there will be a national discussion about the ­future of our taxation system. It will have important implications for economic growth and social policy. The discussion will only be productive if all options are on the table, and if participants don’t ­resort to what Robert Kennedy called “obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans”.