Topic: News

Rules can’t keep Kevin king forever

WHATEVER he has promised, Kevin can’t. He can’t deliver.

He can’t stop the boats, although he started them. He can’t balance the books, although he spent the money. He can’t deliver prosperity because he can’t say no to unions. He can’t scrap the carbon tax by renaming it a carbon price.

But, most of all, Kevin can’t deliver his promise, that a vote for Kevin is a vote for Kevin. Kevin can’t deliver the rule that caucus can’t remove the leader without a 75 per cent majority. Caucus can, and if it thinks fit, will remove a prime minister.

Kevin can’t because he is full of cant – corniness, insincerity, and tokenism.


Our narcissus to drown in Labor’s tears

HOW did Narcissus meet his end? In the Greek myth he falls in love with his own reflection and refuses to leave the side of the pool. Finally he understands that his “love” is his own reflection. He is thrown into despair and stabs himself to death.

The Roman myth is the same except Narcissus simply wastes away, dying of starvation and thirst because he cannot bring himself to leave his reflection.

How will Australia’s own Narcissus, Kevin Rudd, meet his end? He has already been stabbed. I doubt he will starve to death.

There is another version. When Narcissus died, the goddesses of the forest found that the freshwater lake that he knelt beside to observe himself had been transformed into a lake of salty tears. I think that, in the end, Australia’s Narcissus, Rudd, will drown in Labor’s tears.