Minister de Brenni must have missed the memo from federal leader Bill Shorten that the socialist objective is 'as much use as a 100 year old street directory'.
Posts By:
This is why Sonia Kruger still has a job
Now an Essential Poll says 49% of Australians agree. The proportions between the parties are 60% amongst coalition voters, 40% amongst Labor voters, and what the Australian calls a “surprising” 34% amongst Greens voters.
Throw open the doors
Lack of transparency makes the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control much less effective than it should be.
Take a leaf from Kiwi book on obligations for those on welfare
The idea is that the government should track the lives of welfare recipients more closely and intervene in ways that forestall them remaining on welfare. This is sensible.
Labor hurting its own voters
The Queensland Government campaigned last election against asset sales, promising no rise in debt or taxes, yet every proposal to accelerate the Queensland economy involves at least one of these.
Show us the negative gearing modelling Bill
The fact they were over-claiming savings was confirmed by external modelling of the policy done by ALP think tank, the McKell Institute, the ANU, and since by the Parliamentary Budget Office.
What if Leak’s characters were white?
In terms of guilt, I think Leak has undermined his crusade by backing the #indigenousdads movement.
Chris Bowen serial offender on negative gearing
Chris Bowen claims Australian property "concessions" are the highest in the world, getting it wrong twice in the same sentence.
Economy and super, not Mediscare, decided the election
The coalition scrambled across the line by gaining enough votes from minor party voters on the economy, and also Mediscare, to cancel out problems with superannuation.
Textor Thesis fails empirical test
Winning the first or second preferences of the voters currently voting non-Greens minor party is the key to securing a workable majority in Australia's federal parliament.