Topic: News

Support for Intellectual Property Rights Comes From 85 Organizations Representing 51 Countries

The Australian Institute for Progress was happy to support this open letter to the Director of the World Intellectual Property Organisation from the Property Rights Alliance. Properly constructed property rights are a cornerstone to social, cultural and commercial advancement.


Infrastructure funding needs more thought

State governments are constrained by an inability to raise taxes or debt while facing massive population growth. To afford the infrastructure they need the tax system needs to be arranged so there is a return to the state from increased efficiencies.


Greens infiltrate the classroom

I received a letter this week that had been sent to the parent of a 10-year-old schoolboy and signed by the deputy principal of Cottesloe Primary School, Perth. The letter requested her permission to send a letter, allegedly written by her son, to Julie Bishop regarding the UN climate talks.


Book launch: The Charity Ball

Too many charities in Australia do little or no charity work, too many receive most of their income from government, and too many lobby government for more. Gary Johns analyses the charity sector and concludes that a better informed donor is essential to drive better charity.