Most banks in Australia have entered the postmodern world of politics, entangling themselves in matters that, if not detrimental to their ability to create wealth, embroil their leaders in contestable public policy.
Topic: News
Shorten in policy disarray on housing affordability and negative gearing
This morning Bill Shorten admitted on ABC Radio’s AM program that Labor’s negative gearing policy would not achieve its headline goal as a “Positive Plan to Help Housing Affordability”.
ALP would make Australia the second most expensive OECD country for Capital Gains Tax
Such "low tax" countries as Germany, France, Italy and even New Zealand tax capital gains at 0%, but Labor would tax at a level second only to Denmark.
Negative gearing policy channels mining tax debacle
The Labor Party’s negative gearing policy has the potential to become a rerun of its mining tax – creating major upheaval and uncertainty but raising very little additional revenue.
Judges should rule on law and facts, not feelings
Judge Matthew Myers and Chief Judge John Pascoe of the Federal Circuit Court have expressed concern that Aboriginal children are likelier than non-Aboriginal children to be taken from their homes. Indeed, they are, but what business is this of judges of the court?
2016 is Census Year. But why do we bother?
Every five years Australia holds a census of its people and housing and next year it’s our turn again. The last one in 2011 cost $440 million. It’s a small price to pay for such a high quality image of the reality of Australian society. So why are so many keen to ignore it?
The Labor $80 Billion con
Moreton MHR Graham Perrett claims an increase in expenditure on health and education is actually a decrease.
AIP Survey reveals deep-seated attitudes to migration
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has inherited a nation deeply divided on issues around immigration, refugee policy and arrivals from Islamic countries, research by the Australian Institute for Progress has revealed.
The Medicare problem in a table
Number of patients stable with population, but on average receiving 30% more services, but the benefit per patient has increased 72%. Over the same period inflation increased 30%.
Malcolm Turnbull rallying cry must be pro-economic rational
To my dear conservative friends inside and outside parliament, I know you are upset at the demise of your putative leader, Tony Abbott, whom I hold in high regard. May I kindly implore you, however, to pull your heads in?