Are these types of assessments legal questions or are they just politics dressed up as law in order to remove them from the political sphere and transfer them to a lawyerly caste of judges?
Tagged: Queensland
Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture 2018 – text
The 60s were our turning point, but we still endured what was in fact a third world existence. Our cities were not sewered, our suburban streets were gravel and dust, our roads were two lanes and gravel.
Queensland budget: thank your kids, they’ll be paying
Speaking for my generation, I "like" this budget. No chance we’ll have to pay for the benefits. The bill is being passed on to the next generation.
Expansion of Queensland grid interconnector urgent to forestall NSW power emergency
Expanding the interconnector will make surplus Queensland power available for NSW when needed, and produce profits for the state of Queensland, over and above what they currently earn.
Don’t ban donations, ban donations from crooks
While there is a suspicion that some property development donations are corrupt (73 per cent), the suspicion is even higher for gaming (76 per cent) and still very high for unions (63 per cent), alcohol (60 per cent) and lawyers (51 per cent).
Donation laws should go back to drawing board – public
The legislation should be withdrawn immediately. Pushing it through on the numbers will increase public perceptions of corruption rather than decrease them.
Implications of a 50% renewable energy policy on Queensland’s energy sector
We commissioned Jonathan Pavetto, an energy sector economist, to investigate the implications of a 50% renewable energy policy on Queensland’s energy sector. His analysis is based on the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) annual National Transmission Network Development Plan published in December 2016.
Ban on developer contributions will reduce transparency
The CCC’s recommendation that property developer contributions at local and state level be banned is wrong in principle and will be dangerous in practice.
The sad reality of ‘Buy Queensland’
Queensland’s new beggar-my-neighbour state purchasing policy, apart from being a dog whistle to neo-protectionist One Nation voters, guarantees falling living standards for all of us.
Ten Big Ideas to make Queensland a Champion
Queensland has always punched above her weight, but complacency, plus new national and international challenges, mean she is in danger of being knocked out of the ring, losing the services and benefits her residents take for granted. Our 10 points (PDF 5.5mb) slim the recovery plan down to a small number of actions that will make a large difference.