An electorate that trusts neither side of politics will deliver a result too close to call in the House of Representatives, but hand power to independents in the Senate.
Topic: News
‘Stick with the current mob for a while’
But if this is the best argument the coalition has to be returned then their focus groups are telling them what ours is: this is an election almost without alternatives.
Qld Budget includes unbelievably low expenditure growth forecasts
Compare the expenditure growth forecasts with the historical data and you will see how heroic they are.
Queensland budget 2016: Curtis Pitt’s reckoning day will come
The day of reckoning will come and, it is not far away. Were the federal government to lose its AAA rating, Queensland would very quickly be marked down a further notch or two.
Community rescue programs have failed Aurukun
Since 2008, the dominant focus of policy in Aurukun, and much of Cape York, has been to reimpose missionary disciplines in Aboriginal communities.
The budget and election 2016
This budget has effectively been written by the Labor and minor parties by restricting what measures they will allow through the senate, while they blame the government for the resulting deficits.
What’s so bad about inequity?
Hey Bill, what about a royal commission into rating agencies? Aren’t they the capitalist bastards threatening to downgrade the Australian government because it pays for programs, pensions and public servants with money borrowed from foreigners?
A quick refresher course in how to create jobs
This entrenched idea that governments create new jobs by stimulating demand using taxpayer funds is flawed.
Report released on Australian attitudes to taxation
Most significantly 56% said they were prepared to pay higher tax. While Greens (75%) were the most generous, even 46% of Liberal voters said they were prepared to pay more.
Time ripe to raise taxes…unfortunately
There is a good argument to keep taxes as low as possible. It’s an argument that is losing ground in modern Australia.