For all those who struck for the climate, there is no sign of acceleration, although there has been a contraction of the range.
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ALP attempt to slant BCC elections
3.52% would put the LNP into the minority in council, and 6% would give Labor control in their own right, despite the LNP currently holding 60.56% of the two-party preferred vote.
Australian temperature June 2019
The satellite record continues to confirm that temperatures are increasing, although at a lower rate than that claimed for the land-based records.
Australian Temperature May 2019
The UAH record for May shows temperature for Australia to have been just slightly hotter than the May trend, which is the first graph that I have displayed, but there have been plenty of hotter Mays in the past of the record, as far back as the late 80s.
What happened on May 18? Our polling
This was an election that Labor lost. It had too many policies that hurt too many people through higher taxes.
ALP franking credit policy is taxation theft
Labor’s franking credits policy abolishes the tax free threshold for a certain class of low income earners and sets the minimum tax rate at 30% with no threshold.
Polling federal election 2019
Electors are divided and unenthusiastic this election. They are divided along lines of age, gender, income and nationalism versus cosmopolitanism. Unenthusiastic, because they are split and increasingly looking to minor parties.
Liberal housing deposit scheme: right direction, wrong policy
The best thing that can be said about it is that it is a genuine solution, unlike the ALP’s negative gearing and capital gains tax proposals.
What’s Queensland got to lose, except perhaps Adani?
The LNP thinks it will hold most seats in Queensland but that confidence could yet be as misplaced as it was during the Super Saturday by-elections.
Are corporations eating employees’ lunches?
Bill Shorten claims that corporate profits are rising much faster than wages. Not only is this not true, but it is an outrageous cherry-pick.