Politically it is brilliant, redolent of the Menzies’ method of stealing your opponent’s clothes. Economically it is a disaster, although it does deal with the debt situation, but at a cost.
Topic: Economics
The budget and election 2016
This budget has effectively been written by the Labor and minor parties by restricting what measures they will allow through the senate, while they blame the government for the resulting deficits.
The Labor $80 Billion con
Moreton MHR Graham Perrett claims an increase in expenditure on health and education is actually a decrease.
The Medicare problem in a table
Number of patients stable with population, but on average receiving 30% more services, but the benefit per patient has increased 72%. Over the same period inflation increased 30%.
Malcolm Turnbull rallying cry must be pro-economic rational
To my dear conservative friends inside and outside parliament, I know you are upset at the demise of your putative leader, Tony Abbott, whom I hold in high regard. May I kindly implore you, however, to pull your heads in?
Taxi industry cannot brake Uber’s run in an old, overregulated market
And the story isn’t about regulation or deregulation. It is more nuanced. It is about appropriate regulation.
Farmers’ bank idea has been tried before, and has failed
The Australian Institute for Progress today blasted calls for a “farmers’ bank”, saying the notion of taxpayers propping up failing rural businesses had been tried and had failed in the recent past. The Queensland-based policy think tank urged the Palaszczuk government to reject calls by Katter’s Australia Party to establish a Rural Reconstruction Board to take over debts of struggling farmers.
Advance Queensland program doesn’t approach innovation from right direction
It makes all the basic mistakes. It assumes we are not an innovative economy, innovation consists in advances in science and technology alone, and is something out there.
Queensland budget 2015: turning government firms into giant ATM
Queensland’s finances are in no state to restart the spending trajectory of the Bligh-Fraser years. The 2010s have been and will continue to be the toughest of decades for Australians.
Qld Government opts for accounting tricks rather than true budget repair
In the 2015-16 Queensland Budget, the Government has shown it subscribes to the maxim that one might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.