To my dear conservative friends inside and outside parliament, I know you are upset at the demise of your putative leader, Tony Abbott, whom I hold in high regard. May I kindly implore you, however, to pull your heads in?
Taxi industry cannot brake Uber’s run in an old, overregulated market
And the story isn’t about regulation or deregulation. It is more nuanced. It is about appropriate regulation.
Consider this
Newcastle councillors recently voted to divest from non-renewables (i e coal), and Ipswich councillors voted to ban further coal and coal seam gas mining. What ignorant ingrates.
Farmers’ bank idea has been tried before, and has failed
The Australian Institute for Progress today blasted calls for a “farmers’ bank”, saying the notion of taxpayers propping up failing rural businesses had been tried and had failed in the recent past. The Queensland-based policy think tank urged the Palaszczuk government to reject calls by Katter’s Australia Party to establish a Rural Reconstruction Board to take over debts of struggling farmers.
Dinosaur unions shown up by pro-worker breakaway associations
Shorten’s actions are the embodiment of the ALP’s dilemmas and no amount of blackguarding the commissioner can solve them.
Advance Queensland program doesn’t approach innovation from right direction
It makes all the basic mistakes. It assumes we are not an innovative economy, innovation consists in advances in science and technology alone, and is something out there.
Make politicians’ spending more transparent
Senator James McGrath has launched a campaign for Australia to have an online transparency portal, similar to those in the United States and the United Kingdom, to highlight the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ of government spending.
Opponents of shark nets and culling ignore the risk to all and the hierarchy of species
Drawing moral lessons from sharks.
Wind farms use fossil fuels for construction and operation
Bill Shorten should have asked a couple of questions before committing Australia to a 50 per cent renewable target. Can you build a wind turbine, or start a wind turbine, without fossil fuels?
Support for Intellectual Property Rights Comes From 85 Organizations Representing 51 Countries
The Australian Institute for Progress was happy to support this open letter to the Director of the World Intellectual Property Organisation from the Property Rights Alliance. Properly constructed property rights are a cornerstone to social, cultural and commercial advancement.