The Australian Institute for Progress has unleashed a billboard campaign calling on the ALP to unveil its plan for economic recovery.
Topic: News
Australian Institute for Progress welcomes NSW Bushfire Commission Draft Propositions Report
The Australian Institute for Progress welcomes the NSW Bushfire Commission Draft Propositions Report, noting that it has adopted all three of recommendations that the Institute made, but expresses concern at some aspects of the report.
Submission to the Royal Commission into Natural Disaster Arrangements
Bushfires are a recurring, and mostly beneficial, feature of Australia's ecology, with many plants and species evolved to depend on regular fires. However severe bushfires represent a threat to human life and property.
Open letter signatories call for a summit
The calculation error in COVID-19 projections made by the Peter Doherty Institute, and incorporated into the National Cabinet response, was preventable and foreseeable.
Queensland COVID governance needs urgent overhaul
It’s time that the cost benefit analyses and other modelling being used by Chief Health Officer Jeanette Young are made public, and the circle of advisors and decision-makers broadened.
Let the woke go broke
Want to fight back against weak woke coporates? There’s an app for that – or could be.
The madness of St Jeanette
George Orwell famously observed that ‘saints should always be judged guilty until they are proven innocent.’
Sir Thomas McIlwraith was not a slaver – unpublished letter-to-editor
There are at least 2 ways of cancelling someone. One way is to remove their name from a place. Another, and more damaging, is to distort their reputation.
Open up our country – sign the open letter
If you agree with this letter signed by 30 prominent Australian academics, intellectuals and business people, please add your signature.
Queensland Parliament to investors: What’s yours is ours
The state government can find $200 million for the rescue a 90% foreign-owned airline like Virgin, but is happy to throw Queensland investors under a bus.