Mark Butler made 4 claims about electric vehicles, each of which was incorrect.
Topic: News
Prices fall, as well as affordability: housing paradox
Our brand new housing affordability index reveals that even though the latest available ABS figures (December 2018) show a drop of 2.4% in average house prices in the last quarter of last year, houses were actually 1.2% less affordable at the same time
Claypave won’t be the last unless government gets out of the way
The descent into administration of century-old brick manufacturer Claypave is just the latest indicator that Australian manufacturing faces an existential crisis because of high electricity and gas prices.
NSW Election 2019 Online Poll
Gladys Berejiklian is in the paradoxical position of being ahead on most indicators, but behind on the two-party preferred vote.
Beware the wounded senior
Retirement income and savings policies could be deciding factors in this coming federal election. Forty-eight per cent of the seats in parliament have a median voter age of 50 years or older.
‘Learnings’ for the lead up to Friday’s student strike for climate change
Here’s an idea for English and Philosophy teachers for this coming Friday, March 15. Why don’t you do some Socratic schooling of those of your students who haven’t joined the Student Strike for Climate Change?
Fact Bite #1 Per Capita GDP and Australian Governments
Measured by GDP per capita the Coalition is ahead of Labor since 2007, but Labor and the Coalition are tied in the longer term.
Coal is part of the solution in transition to new energy sources
T HE cowardice of Australia’s largest coal miner Glencore in bowing to activist pressure and capping its coal production torches the reputation of coal by implying coal mining is unethical.
Hayne was not the commission the banking sector needed
I originally thought the Financial Services Royal Commission was unnecessary. Then I heard the evidence, and I changed my mind. Having read the recommendations of Commissioner Hayne, my first opinion might as well have been right.
Labor’s housing affordability mess: profit for the few, pain for the many
Labor's two-pronged housing affordability package has them rowing the same boat in both directions, expending a lot of taxpayer dollars and going nowhere.