John Howard launches The Art of Persuasion
Fri 21 September 201812:00 am - 2:30 pm
Hon John Howard launches his latest book The Art of Persuasion in Brisbane.
Fourth Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture with Sir Leo Hielscher
Wed 18 July 20187:00 pm - 10:00 pm
“Queensland: Where From, Where At, Where To” Fourth Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture with Sir Leo Hielscher Join the Australian Institute for Progress over dinner for the fourth annual Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture, with guest speaker Sir Leo Hielscher AC, on Wednesday evening July 18, 2018. Sir Leo has unique personal insights into the development of […]
Kingdom of the Wicked - prelaunch
Thu 07 June 201812:00 am
Helen Dale, in 1993, under the nom de plume Helen Demidenko, was the youngest winner of the Miles Franklin Award with her controversial book The Hand that Signed the Paper. Now 25 years later she is a mature writer and is pre-launching The Kingdom of the Wicked – Order, the second half of her diptych […]
Bettina Arndt on why "Men are their own worst enemies."
Wed 02 May 20186:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Who would have thought the “stronger” sex could get itself on the wrong end of the gender wars? According to Bettina Arndt, pioneering sex therapist, journalist and clinical psychologist, now a men’s rights advocate, while it might have been a man’s world once, for many men, that was yesterday. Did you know that 19th century […]
Manus Days - Book launch
Thu 22 March 20186:00 pm - 8:00 pm
In this book, to be launched by legendary South Pacific correspondent Sean Dorney MBE, Michael Coates tells the real story of the refugees on Manus Island.
LibertyFest Brisbane 2017
Sat 14 October 20179:00 am - 5:00 pm
LibertyFest is a free-thinking speaker and entertainment conference of genuinely dangerous and disruptive ideas. The Australian Institute for Progress is a sponsor. The most disruptive idea in the world is that “all men (and women) are born equal”, and the consequences that flow from that. This conference features speakers who are individuals who are intellectual […]
Your Body Belongs to the Nation
Tue 05 September 20176:00 pm - 8:00 pm
In this book Gary Johns casts a skeptical eye over public health policy. Governments have begun to act as if your body belongs to them. They have become a parent, telling child-like citizens how to behave: instructing, forbidding, taxing and berating citizens about their personal choices. The side effects can be bizarre. Can soft drink […]
Morris and Thwaites on Section 18C and the QUT three
Fri 01 September 20176:00 pm - 8:30 pm
In February 2016 QUT Administrative Assistant Cindy Prior sued three QUT students for comments made, or allegedly made, after she evicted them from the computer lab at the university’s Oodgeroo unit in May 2013. On November 4, 2016 Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Jarrett ruled there was no case to answer. As a result of […]
Third Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture with Jamie Pherous
Wed 19 July 20177:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Join the Australian Institute for Progress over lunch for the third annual Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture with guest lecturer Jamie Pherous.
Mark Latham on Identity Politics: Origins and Outrages
Fri 09 June 20176:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Mark Latham is a star of Australian politics. He attracts a lot of controversy, but his record speaks for itself. Elected mayor of Liverpool, at 30 he turned the city around. At 33 he was elected as the member for Werriwa – Gough Whitlam’s old seat – and eventually, at 42, became the youngest leader […]