Graham Young is the Executive Director of the Australian Institute for Progress. He is also the Chief Editor of On Line Opinion which he founded in 1999. Graham is a pollster and political consultant, pioneering the use of the Internet for qualitative and quantitative polling in Australia. He conducts regular polls of public opinion of Australian politics and publishes analysis at What the people want. Graham is also an occasional columnist for The Australian and the Australian Financial Review. Between 1994 and 1997 he was Vice President and Campaign Chairman of the Queensland Liberal Party and is an acknowledged expert in political campaigning.
- Budget 2025: out of ideas and full of fiscal analgesics
- Omnibus Poll January 2025
- Exit Poll, Queensland 2024
- Faster, Better, More: How to House Australia
- Housing affordability index Q2, 2024
- De Brenni’s Callide C performance calls into question his ability to administer the Clean Energy Jobs Act
- Australian Institute for Progress calls for adult discussion on nuclear energy
- Future Made in Ontario not Australia
- Crisafulli’s budget reply means we have a debate on issues, but not necessarily the right ones
- Government spends the smash and grab TattsLotto windfall from coal royalties to win the next election
- Ditch climate targets altogether and adopt an engineering approach to CO2 reduction
- Housing affordability index Q4 2023
- Housing affordability index Q1, 2024
- Thank you to state treasurer for detailed analysis of our submission, but he made some mistakes
- Commonwealth Budget 2024
- Nuclear scare campaign threatens sensible energy transition
- Support for Queensland Chief Health Officer
- PsiQuantum investment for speculators, not the Australian government
- Not such a capital idea – abolishing negative gearing and increasing capital gains tax will have little effect on commonwealth budget and destroy housing affordability
- New home buyer’s tax no way to make housing available or affordable
- Pioneer-Burdekin pumped hydro cost over run makes the case for nuclear
- Queensland Clean Economy Jobs Bill 2023 heralds the Centrally Controlled Economy
- Australian Institute for Progress backs Minns government on GST
- Access to super for housing deposit won’t cause house price rises
- Popular support for nuclear power welcome, reform of the EPBC act should follow
- Backing for nuclear energy
- AEMO Services report means Queensland needs to urgently rethink its emissions targets
- Submission to the Legal and Constitutional Sub-Committee COVID-19 Royal Commission Terms of Reference
- Housing Affordability Index Q3 2023
- Gladstone alumina/aluminium industry on the line
- Most prospective 50% of Queensland now off limits for Christmas present and future
- Submission to Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry
- Submission on Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill
- The Voice – a portent of more to come?
- GOTV: referendum needs a decisive win
- ‘The Voice’ may end up uniting us after all
- Submission on Misinformation and Disinformation Bill
- AIP gives evidence to parliamentary committee on Greens’ decarbonisation legislation
- Media releases are not solutions
- Britain did more to abolish slavery than any other nation
- COVID-19 and Australian Federalism: The first year of our grand experiment with 21st Century governance – Brendan Markey-Towler
- Why you should vote No on The Voice
- Labor’s $2 Bn social housing policy is inflationary and will result in fewer and less affordable dwellings
- Queensland is the latest state to feel pain of misallocation of GST revenues
- Covid-19 and Australian federalism
- Queensland Climate Transition Bill 2023
- Capping rents will make things much worse
- NSW election 2023 Survey 1
- Rule out changing negative gearing
- Rule out changes to negative gearing
- Housing Affordability Index Q3 2022
- House price falls likely to be between 18 and 32 per cent
- Interest rates go up faster than house prices decline
- Andrews ahead, but opponents are legion – our polling on Victorian election
- How much paint will Dan Andrews lose?
- Queensland Housing Summit too little, too late
- Housing Affordability Index March 2022
- Exit poll – it was a Seinfeld election
- Election Review Panel
- Housing Affordability Index Q2, 2022
- The cost to Queensland of closing down the coal and gas industries
- Defense and security will impact flow of preferences
- Coalition housing policy has lower costs, higher returns to beat Labor policy
- Scheme 6 years overdue
- Housing Affordability Index December 2021
- Omnibus Poll March 2022
- Sly “Uncle” Albo’s shared equity scheme doesn’t shape up
- Australian Housing Affordability Index September 2021
- Record unaffordability looms and points to downturn even without rate rises
- Housing Affordability Index June Quarter 2021
- Owner-occupied housing becoming unaffordable with Darwin, Perth and Brisbane bright spots
- Go for Olympic host city gold – and go for broke too
- Australian Curriculum Assessment and Review Authority fails Australian students
- Victorian ‘windfall tax’ kicks entrepreneurs and home buyers
- Photos Sixth McIlwraith Lecture 2021
- Housing affordability index December 2020
- Use super savings to solve housing affordability crisis
- Housing affordability index September 2020
- Is Queensland the laziest state?
- Exit poll Queensland 2020
- Queenslanders vote for safe pair of hands
- Queensland election last week
- Cross River Rail: privatisations, cost over-runs, and no patrons
- Housing affordability index June 2020
- Queensland needs a proper plan for economic recovery
- Australian Institute for Progress welcomes NSW Bushfire Commission Draft Propositions Report
- Covid and the Queensland Election – qualitative research
- Submission to the Royal Commission into Natural Disaster Arrangements
- Queensland Budget Update Report
- Queensland Election Preview 2020
- Open letter signatories call for a summit
- Queensland COVID governance needs urgent overhaul
- Let the woke go broke
- Sir Thomas McIlwraith was not a slaver – unpublished letter-to-editor
- Submission on Queensland Government’s economic response to COVID-19
- Strategic Climate/Energy Policy Issues Paper
- Housing Affordability Index March 2020
- Open up our country – sign the open letter
- Queensland Parliament to investors: What’s yours is ours
- Queensland Government’s new, secret, tenancy laws unnecessary, unjust and inequitable
- Housing affordability index December 2019
- 12 month housing loan payment amnesty would be affordable
- Australian bushfires on Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera
- Housing affordability index September, 2019
- Spending cap leaves Labor sitting pretty
- September temperature data
- Electoral shenanigans masquerading as fairness: new Queensland funding laws
- 2019 McIlwraith Lecture
- Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation – a Golden Handcuff
- Housing affordability index June quarter 2019
- August temperature data
- ALP attempt to slant BCC elections
- Australian temperature June 2019
- Australian Temperature May 2019
- What happened on May 18? Our polling
- ALP franking credit policy is taxation theft
- Polling federal election 2019
- Liberal housing deposit scheme: right direction, wrong policy
- What’s Queensland got to lose, except perhaps Adani?
- Are corporations eating employees’ lunches?
- Folau issue leaves Libs mid-field, as free speech curbs reflect Labor’s culture war wins
- Australian Temperature April 2019
- While the big birds fight, manufacturing jobs flee Australia
- Fact Bite #3 EVs not such a smart way to reduce emissions at the moment
- Fact Bite #2
- Prices fall, as well as affordability: housing paradox
- Claypave won’t be the last unless government gets out of the way
- NSW Election 2019 Online Poll
- Beware the wounded senior
- ‘Learnings’ for the lead up to Friday’s student strike for climate change
- Fact Bite #1 Per Capita GDP and Australian Governments
- Australian temperature March 2019
- Coal is part of the solution in transition to new energy sources
- Morrison and Shorten both improve
- Hayne was not the commission the banking sector needed
- Labor’s housing affordability mess: profit for the few, pain for the many
- Victorian election: a narrow gate could yet open for Guy
- Qualitative polling on Victorian election
- A secular society means the ACT should not prescribe who church schools can hire
- Qualitative polling on electricity generation
- Energy debate: the facts were an early casualty
- Premier should not be left to judge herself
- Twenty ideas for a Morrison government
- 20 Policy Suggestions to Break the Senate Deadlock
- Queensland needs to act now on power generation initiatives or miss out on jobs and growth
- Fact checking John Quiggin
- Why it’s Labor that is copping the protest vote in Longman
- McIlwraith Lecture hits the headlines
- ACCC bells the cat on intermittent renewable energy
- Truth the first casualty in the War Against Coal
- Australia Institute figures on coal royalties wrong
- Subtle shifts in concern
- Queensland budget: thank your kids, they’ll be paying
- Expansion of Queensland grid interconnector urgent to forestall NSW power emergency
- Coal royalty windfall should be invested in debt reduction
- Don’t ban donations, ban donations from crooks
- Donation laws should go back to drawing board – public
- Folau, ball tampering, protection for religious belief
- Presumption of innocence, not blanket bans, the correct approach to suspected wrong-doers
- Prosecute individuals, don’t persecute industries
- Submission to Ruddock panel on religious freedom
- Bill Shorten at Press Club confused over negative gearing
- Our Reef is still Great, but the research isn’t
- Labor and LNP avoided big issues in campaign
- Qualitative polling of the Queensland election
- Ban unions before property developers
- Which is it Premier? Coal or renewables?
- Kaboom – Tarong power station to close by 2018/19, with Stanwell and half Gladstone to follow
- Implications of a 50% renewable energy policy on Queensland’s energy sector
- No party winners in this Queensland election
- Queensland election issues: open letter from 7 public policy professionals
- Retailers not the problem Premier – you are
- National Energy Guarantee no guarantee at all
- Chair of CS Energy confirms self-generating vicious electricity price cycle for consumers
- Ban on developer contributions will reduce transparency
- TransGrid supports expanding interconnector, will Powerlink follow?
- Fact check of premier’s electricity claims
- Paying twice, and more – why renewables are a luxury good
- Queensland interconnector an answer to NSW blackouts and Qld prices
- Discovering the real history of our peoples
- The sad reality of ‘Buy Queensland’
- June 2017 Omnibus Poll
- Big Idea Ten: complete stocktake of areas lost to commercial fishing
- Big Idea Nine: Citizen Initiated Referenda
- Big Idea Eight: benchmark senior public service pay to the Prime Minister’s
- Big Idea Seven: guarantee maximum wait times in public hospitals
- Big Idea Six: fund students, not schools
- Big Idea Five: give employees their choice of workplace representative
- Big Idea Four: asset recycling program to rejuvenate constipated transport infrastructure
- Big Idea Three: rebate total Queensland GST to Queensland and abolish CGC
- Big Idea Two: defang “lawfare” in the mining industry
- Big Idea One: a new baseload power station
- Ten Big Ideas to make Queensland a Champion
- Ten ideas mean the Maroon state can be a winner always
- Universal Basic Income on ABC radio
- Real figures on negative gearing and housing affordability
- Housing investment – the last five years
- Bill Shorten’s Budget Reply Speech 2017
- Retro budget cements higher tax and spend
- More tax, but no more affordability, in ALP housing policy
- Super for deposit only immediate solution to “affordability” crisis
- Party Games Monday April 3, 2017
- Housing affordability inquiry avoids change for change’s sake, but falls through the deposit gap
- Submission to Federal Government Free Speech Inquiry
- Broad-based support for ABCC Bill
- By how much will abolishing negative gearing reduce house prices?
- De-Newmanisation not working #1
- Turnbull starting to move in the right direction
- Morrison’s housing analysis supports use of super for home deposit
- Social housing back to the dark ages
- This is why Sonia Kruger still has a job
- Throw open the doors
- Take a leaf from Kiwi book on obligations for those on welfare
- Labor hurting its own voters
- Show us the negative gearing modelling Bill
- What if Leak’s characters were white?
- Chris Bowen serial offender on negative gearing
- Economy and super, not Mediscare, decided the election
- Textor Thesis fails empirical test
- Fix the deposit gap and leave negative gearing alone
- Housing affordability – the deposit gap
- Polling shows Australia probably heading for another three years of stalemate
- ‘Stick with the current mob for a while’
- Mid-election poll results
- Qld Budget includes unbelievably low expenditure growth forecasts
- The budget and election 2016
- Report released on Australian attitudes to taxation
- Time ripe to raise taxes…unfortunately
- Kohler’s mistakes underline why negative gearing is threatened
- Turnbull held aloft by projection and likeability
- Shorten in policy disarray on housing affordability and negative gearing
- ALP would make Australia the second most expensive OECD country for Capital Gains Tax
- Negative gearing policy channels mining tax debacle
- The Labor $80 Billion con
- The Medicare problem in a table
- Taxi industry cannot brake Uber’s run in an old, overregulated market
- Farmers’ bank idea has been tried before, and has failed
- Advance Queensland program doesn’t approach innovation from right direction
- Opponents of shark nets and culling ignore the risk to all and the hierarchy of species
- Support for Intellectual Property Rights Comes From 85 Organizations Representing 51 Countries
- Financial position weaker after Queensland’s 2015 budget
- Infrastructure funding needs more thought
- Levelling the super field for rich and poor
- Book launch: The Charity Ball
- Q&A mistake a category killer
- The Sir Thomas McIlwraith Lecture
- Katter’s Australian Party policies need to benefit all of Queensland, not just a few
- Budget bills Generation AA
- Baird’s asset test
- Qld Labor’s Fiscal Strategy
- Open letter to Anthony Chisholm
- Facts not fictions
- AIP in the Courier Mail
- Why on earth wouldn’t Labor support privatisation?
- Piketty split – why soaking the rich won’t help anyone
- Anti-social media